The best way to answer " why should we hire you"

You have successfully passed a very important job interview at a company where you really want to work. Now comes the tricky part of preparing what you are about to say. In every job interview, there is a standard set of questions that employers usually ask, including “Why should we hire you?”. Although the question may seem generic, it is still popular with hiring managers because the answers reveal a lot about your character and skills. You should always have some answers ready if the question arises. Why do hiring managers ask, " Why should we hire you ?" By the time you reach the interview stage of the hiring process, the hiring manager already has an inkling that you have the qualifications and experience for the job. What are employers looking for when they ask, "Why should we hire you?" is how much you really know about the company and whether you are a good fit for the role. When a group of candidates has the same experience and qualifications, employers ten...